Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

February 25, 2009

Computers: An Essential Tool

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 10:44 am

I believe that computers are an essential tool in schooling today. With the advancement of technology, computers have increased in importance. If one expects to be successful in the modern world, one must be computer literate at the very least. As a future teacher, I believe that computers are very important. They allow students to have access to important information in a much shorter time. I realize that there are some downfalls, but all in all, computers are absolutely essential for schools today.

New audience: neighbor

Students do need computers in school. Consider your daughter; imagine she is attempting to go find a job when she graduates. She never had a computer or even had access to computer while in school. As a part of the interview process, the interviewer wants to know how proficient your daughter is with various computer programs, such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. The interviewer also wants to know how able your daughter is to research information using the Internet. In today’s fast-paced world, your daughter needs to be able to operate quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, she’s never had access to a computer. She’s worked with the Internet a little bit but is nowhere near the skill level of the others competing for jobs. Your daughter is therefore unable to find a good-paying job, having instead to settle for a minimum wage job with no chance of ascension in today’s world. Do you see now why computers are so important for schools?

1 Comment »

  1. Great job, Jillian. you clearly focus your argument towards your revised audience by bringing up issues that your neighbor would care about (his/her daughter). Also, pointing out levels of fluency can be a potentially good way to reach an audience in a situation, though you run the risk of offending or upsetting your audience at the same time. Nice work here! Keep up the awesome work.

    Comment by bcottri — February 25, 2009 @ 4:40 pm

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