Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

February 5, 2009

5 Literacies

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 9:13 pm

I have many literacies. As I believe I have stated before in this blog, I have more literacies than I probably realize. But for this narrative essay, I want to focus on something out of the ordinary, something more dynamic. This isn’t to say that other topics wouldn’t be interesting. I’m sure I could come up with a good narrative about my reading or writing literacies. But when I first heard about this project, assuming, of course, that I understand what’s required of me, I knew I wanted to focus on a different literacy topic. The following are five literacies that I would like to explore.

Music: Though I can’t play an instrument and according to my seventh grade choir teacher, I cannot sing, I still have a great passion for music. I know nearly everyone does but I think that the reasons behind peoples’ love for music can vary. In my own way, I am musically literate because I love listening to songs and deciphering the stories from them. I love the stories that songs can tell and I love picturing them in my head even more. This is probably why I enjoy (some) music videos so much. I also enjoy the powerful emotions that music can make people feel.

Football: I love football and know more about football than most people. On many occasions, I’ve corrected middle-aged men when they were discussing football in a restaurant. I get the strangest looks but I love doing so. Partially because I love explaining things to others (hence my degree in education) but mostly because I love talking about football and showing off what I know about it. I’d love to explore this literacy more in a narrative, especially since most of my football memories are tied in with my family or friends.

Baking: It seems simple enough but most people either don’t know how or don’t have the patience. I think baking well requires a certain sort of finesse and while I am in no way close to the people on the Food Network Challenges (love that show), I think I can hold my own pretty well in a kitchen. This would be an interesting literacy to explore more in a narrative as well.

Interpersonal: A lot of my friends come to me for advice or when they need to talk about something that’s troubling them. I think this is an important literacy to have, both as a person and as a future teacher. This could be a good topic to investigate more in a narrative.

Writing: Though I said I wanted to do something other than writing, I couldn’t think of a fifth topic. I have had some great experiences with writing, both academically related and not. I think writing is closely tied with knowing oneself and I think writing (letters, blogs, short stories, poems) has helped me in this process. It, too, could become an interesting topic for a narrative.

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