Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

January 30, 2009

Visual Narrative Plan

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 10:40 am

The examples shown in class of visual narratives were all technologically based. This is to be expected, of course; doing things on computers is sometimes more efficient. But as I began to think about my personal literacies, I knew it would be unfair of me to do my visual narrative through some advanced technological medium. I am by no means computer illiterate, but I feel that PowerPoint is overdone in classrooms and I do not know how to make a movie. There’s nothing wrong with these choices, of course, but they aren’t representative of me or my personal literacies.

Thus, my rough plan for this project is as follows: I plan on making a book featuring my personal literacies. Books are an important part of my literacy and certainly help shape my thought process, which is another important part of my literacy that I plan on working into my project. So I was thinking of creating a book (not a fully bound professional book, of course) that features pictures of me partaking in my various literacies. I compiled a general outline of pictures that I want to include which are me reading various things, me writing in various mediums (both on paper and on a computer), me texting, me explaining something to someone else to demonstrate that I can think critically about what I have read/written, me discussing a book with someone else (that’s my personal favorite part of my literacy), and various other pictures. I plan on working this into a general theme of how my literacies help me think about my everyday life and help me plan for the future when I’ll need to be literate enough to teach things to others.

1 Comment »

  1. I am very excited to see your project, Jillian! I’m glad that you’re going beyond the technology aspect and can’t wait to see your finished project.

    Comment by bcottri — February 1, 2009 @ 10:23 am

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