Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

January 30, 2009

Peer Editing Reflection

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 11:09 am

I came into this class period with a general idea of what I wanted to do for my visual literacy narrative. As stated in my previous blog post, I wanted to compile a book of my various literacies. I still plan on finishing my visual literacy narrative with this book in mind but talking with my group  helped solidify my plans and tweak them a bit as well. I bounced some of my ideas off of them and they helped me form my thoughts into a cohesive whole about my plan for my literacy narrative.

I plan on taking pictures of myself partaking in my various literacies, such as reading, texting, writing, etc. But I plan on working this into a general theme of what my literacies help me to do. By this, I mean my various literacies help me become a better thinker. Reading a book helps me think more about the connections and the relationships between the characters and overall plot. But being literate with texting can help me think more about the relationships between people and help me be more sympathetic with my friends and have more interpersonal knowledge. All of this will  help me be a better teacher, which I plan on being my overall theme that connects all of my literacies together into one being. Being literate in various mediums and with various things will help me better transmit this knowledge to my students and that is why being literate in a multitude of things is so important to me. I plan on conveying this pictorially in my literacy book.

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