Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

January 14, 2009

Musings on Literacy

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 11:03 am

As this class takes care of one of the writing requirements for my major, I originally expected to have a primarily writing course. After the first day, however, my expectations have changed slightly. I do still expect to write, but I now expect to write in a variety of mediums. The course title of “Exploring Multiple Literacies” will be especially helpful for me as a future teacher, as writing does not simply mean handing in a research paper. I expect to learn not only how to write in a variety of technological mediums but also the effect of doing so.

Obviously, literacy means to everyone the ability to read. For me, however, reading has always been a passionate hobby of mine. Thus, literacy not only means the ability to read but also the ability to understand new ideas and concepts and to familiarize new concepts with ones previously learned. Literacy is how one thinks and interprets the world. Additionally, literacy is also the ability to express oneself: one’s thoughts, opinions, feelings, etc. Reading is never simply looking at words on pages; thus, literacy isn’t just being able to look at words on pages. It is the ability to let those words transform into ideas in a person’s mind. Literacy is a concept important to me, as a future English teacher. It is thus especially important to me that people are literate with a variety of mediums.

Most students write simply because they have to. Others write because they have something to say. I can’t answer the question of why others write, but I can explain why I write. Writing is also another hobby of mine, as you can tell by this particularly loquacious blog posting. I write not only because I have something to say but also because I need to express myself. I write because I want others to know what I think or believe about certain topics; I also write because it helps me work through my own thoughts and beliefs. Seeing my thoughts put into actual words is a cathartic experience that is really unparalleled to anything else.

1 Comment »

  1. Jillian,

    Nice job! You raise some great points in your post about literacy. The fact that you touch on literacy meaning more than just reading but also understanding is a great point. I think you’re probably right to think of it this way. I’m also pleased that you’re being so career minded and thinking about how this course may benefit your future teaching. I hope that it does help you consider literacy in a broader way. While I know that high school teachers have lots of standards to meet, I know that some of my friends who teach high school are working hard to incorporate similar projects in their classes so I know it’s possible to ask students to develop multiple literacies or create in produce in spaces that may be less traditional (like wikis or videos).

    Great work! I look forward to working with you this semester!

    Comment by bcottri — January 15, 2009 @ 6:40 pm

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