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I am not a big fan of video games, but I do like playing the old school Mario Party on Nintendo 64, and arcade games like PacMan and Galaga. However, video games are extremely popular in our society. In 2007, Harris interactive survey found that average 8-12 year olds play 13 hours a week and […]

Posted at: September 26th, 2010 - 10:35 pm - Number of Comments » 1

This article by Danah Boyd, echoes what we read last week in class about social network sites, for example Facebook and Myspace, and why these sites are so popular. Boyd draws her attention to why younger teenagers are obsessing over Myspace with trying to understand the development and social forces that dictate why teenagers turn […]

Posted at: September 26th, 2010 - 10:11 pm - Number of Comments » 1

Back in 2008, Facebook was the “it” social networking service of choice for students at the University of California where the authors of this article teach. Two years later Facebook is still the “it” social networking site across all universities. Facebook is a social network site that people can add information about themselves for anyone […]

Posted at: September 19th, 2010 - 10:22 pm - Number of Comments » 0

Neil Postman author of The Judgement of Thamus states the story that Plato writes about in Phaedrus which is a story about Thamus, the king of a city in Upper Egypt. Postman opens his book with a legend of King Thamus and the god Theuth, who was the inventor of many things- including numbers, calculation, […]

Posted at: September 19th, 2010 - 9:43 pm - Number of Comments » 1

On a regular basis I use my television,DVD player, remote, laptop, cell phone, IPOD and IPOD radio. With using all of these technology based devices, they make my life so much more easier and convenient. Even the simple device of a remote, I do not have to stand up and walk to my television every […]

Posted at: September 19th, 2010 - 9:23 pm - Number of Comments » 0

In this article, the author points to several criticisms about rap music and the culture in the African American culture. Some criticisms include that the music is counterproductive, which is making the younger African American’s acting worse in school, which also leads into bad economic and social status. However, rap music is depicting that life […]

Posted at: September 12th, 2010 - 9:23 pm - Number of Comments » 5

Rap music burst onto the scene in the 1970’s with classic hip hop beats, the R&B smooth feel, and the hard rhymes that can just wipe away every song that comes next to it. Rap’s roots are based out of New York, but has traveled all over the world spreading messages to all kinds of […]

Posted at: September 5th, 2010 - 5:18 pm - Number of Comments » 0

Nas stated from his last album title that “Hip Hop is Dead,” he also commented that, ” Hip Hop is dead because we as artists no longer have the power.” I agree with Nas, since the internet constantly leaks artists new albums, which is free, who is going to turn down free music, even if […]

Posted at: September 5th, 2010 - 4:51 pm - Number of Comments » 0

As we talked in class, only a few of the students remembered 8-tracks, everyone remembered the cassette player and CD player, and almost everyone illegally downloads MP3’s to their computers. The next big thing always comes out, so I am waiting anxiously to see what the next way of receiving music is. But in the […]

Posted at: August 29th, 2010 - 12:57 pm - Number of Comments » 3

The Money Note:Can the Record Business be Saved? To be honest, I do not think the record business can be saved because in our society the next biggest, best thing comes out to diminish the last of its kind. Technology grows and grows each day, in the future, there might be something even more easier then […]

Posted at: August 29th, 2010 - 12:45 pm - Number of Comments » 0