Another amazing bgsu blog

In McCloud’s comic article, it states all about different icons and cartoons. Icons come in myriad amounts of forms, the word spat is not a sound, a picture of a flag is not a country and a picture of a hamburger and fries are not food. However, pictures do represent the subject, other icons represents symbols from concepts, ideas and philosophies. A detailed picture of someones face is pretty self- explanatory, viewers would recognize someone they knew off of a detailed picture. But when people draw faces, that are more outlines, and less shading it looks cartoonish. Then another way, is just drawing a rough circle, with dots for eyes, a line for a nose and a mouth and lines for hair, people would still know it is a picture of a face. Different images even though they are drawn out differently or certain icons people still know the meaning behind the icon.

The last time I read through a comic strip was probably a few months ago, when I read through the comic section in the newspaper. Comics are entertaining, and put a visual to a story being told, which appeals to many individuals. Individuals recognize cartoon strips, characters, or certain artistry from comics because of how popular some comics/ characters are in our culture. Some characters are universally popular, even live action films are known as comics because of the intensity. Vivid detail is an important step even when people are face to face talking, so they recognize certain features of people. Comics are very interesting and detailed since they add their own spin to they story since it is visual.

Posted by on October 17th, 2010 at 10:49 pm

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