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I am not a big fan of video games, but I do like playing the old school Mario Party on Nintendo 64, and arcade games like PacMan and Galaga. However, video games are extremely popular in our society. In 2007, Harris interactive survey found that average 8-12 year olds play 13 hours a week and 13-18 year olds play an average of 14 of video games a week. Players do admit of being addicted to playing games. Every day, millions of playrs log into a genre of video games called multiplayer online role-playing games, where players can interact with each other and explore  3-D  graphics.

After playing for such a long time, it started to become an obligation, where it was more work than fun for the players. Multiplayer online role-player games are advertised as worlds to escape to after work, but honestly these games are more work and burn the players out since the players wants/ needs tos succeed in the certain game. For other technologies, they work for us but for video gaming the individual works for the game. With gamers complaining how much work it takes to game, a thin line is drawn what does fun really mean to the gamers?

Posted by on September 26th, 2010 at 10:35 pm

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