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Back in 2008, Facebook was the “it” social networking service of choice for students at the University of California where the authors of this article teach. Two years later Facebook is still the “it” social networking site across all universities. Facebook is a social network site that people can add information about themselves for anyone to see. Once an individual has a page, they can become friends with others and look at what the individual posts on each others walls, pictures, and other friends. It started with college students making Facebook pages then it trickled down to high school students.

Uses and gratifications theory attempts to explain how people use the media to gratify their wants and needs, and what motivates their behavior and consequences of their uses of media. Facebook also providea voyeurism and exhibitionism. Pretty much stating that individuals can pretty much post anything on Facebook with or without permission of others. There is practically no privacy unless the individual specifically makes their profile private from others. The study in this article tries to understand what motivates emerging adults to use Facebook and how it fulfills these motivations, an online study was taken. The results showed eight components of of uses and nine motivations. In all Facebook can be used to look at pictures, find new information about others, look up other students in classes, or just to keep in contact with past friends or family members.

Posted by on September 19th, 2010 at 10:22 pm

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