Another amazing bgsu blog

Nas stated from his last album title that “Hip Hop is Dead,” he also commented that, ” Hip Hop is dead because we as artists no longer have the power.” I agree with Nas, since the internet constantly leaks artists new albums, which is free, who is going to turn down free music, even if it illegal? Furthermore, it is not just about the artist and their music, they make constant collaborations, have street teams, crews, and there always has to be beef with other rappers. Music is not the sole reason half of these rappers become or stay famous, with plenty of endorsements, crossing into modeling or the acting business, rappers make loads of money by just putting their name on absolutely anything.

To touch back on the internet leaking music, from myspace, to youtube, it is so extremely easy to be found and be molded into the next, big star. With music leaking all the time, the anticipation of the album is killed. The quality of music is being downgraded, since the need of new, fresh music is always being bombarded into computers. If artists are not constantly putting out music, there is always a new artist that will guest spot songs, throw out 10 mixtapes, and on top of that an album or two a year. The music quality is slipping each day artists just come out with anything because they can. With quality of songs slipping away, artists think to just re-mix old songs, yes, recycling is good for the earth, but for music, no. I hate when I hear a classic song, and a rapper rips the song and tears it apart. The internet is helpful in several ways, but when it is taking down the quality of music, many people are not going to be happy, like me.

Posted by on September 5th, 2010 at 4:51 pm

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