A day like all days- MIll Valley, CA

December 4, 2009

One would thinks it’s fall here, but it’s actually 20 days until the shortest day if the year and the beginning of winter.  The trees are all in prime fall colors, yellows, crimsons and rust-colored oranges.  Canadian geese are gnawing away on the grass at the local high school football field which makes watching a game interesting and trying to score even more so.  I’m in Mill Valley, California which is on the path, the fly over, for many migrating birds.  Most of them don’t go any further than this city of 20,000, like “it’s nice here.  Why go any further?”  So, while most cities experience population drops during this and upcoming months, we actually experience growth.

A collaborative project to promote the National Day on Writing by the Bowling Green State University Writing Center and the Center for Online and Blended Learning.