Nat Love’s Legacy

By Ami Geiselman

The cover of Nat Love’s autobiography, published in 1907. From

In doing my research on black cowboys, a primary source of particular interest that came up was the only existing autobiography by a black cowboy who lived during the Old West. The book is titled, “The Life and Adventures of Nat Love, Better Known in the Cattle Country as ‘Deadwood Dick’ by Himself,” and within it he recounts not only his rather adventurous life in the west, but his early years as an enslaved person. To learn about the overall experience of black cowboys through secondary sources was fascinating, but to actually read the words of a person who experienced it first-hand made it more immersive and impactful. Something that surprised me throughout reading this was Nat Love’s portrayal of the west in regard to racial equality.

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The Life, Legacy, and Importance of Activist Icon, John Trudell

Image 1. John Trudell discussing the Occupation of Alcatraz at a press conference in San Francisco (Ilka Hartman/National Parks Service, created Jun. 11, 1971) []

Written By : Eden Shupe

Many don’t know of the American Indian Movement, but even fewer people remember or know about individual members of the movement, such John Trudell. People do remember events though, such as the Occupation of the Alcatraz 1969 or Wounded Knee in 1973. I’ve been studying the topic of AIM and its memory, but I’ve also taken quite a few courses on Native American History, Native American Literature, and others, so I’m rather interested in the topic and learning what I can about it. I’m also about ¼ Native American, so it’s important to me in that way also. The way that the American Indian Movement tried to change the lives of Native Americans is interesting, but also still relevant today, because these problems are still around and the fight is still ongoing, but the memory of individuals is no less relevant or interesting.

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Hidden Meanings and Educational Documentaries: A Perspective

Elijah Bunders

The Atlantic Slave Trade was a chain of trade that traded chains, chaining humanity to this piece of history for the worse… and for the better? Forever will the Western world remember the terrible tragedy committed on humanity by humans, a tragedy with an ideology attached that still plagues society today. Humans will do whatever it takes to never forget this time, and one way we remember is through creating documentaries, and by looking at one in particular we can see the other reasons as to what we remember of the Slave Trade…

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Remembering the Reconstruction Era

By: Caitlyn Webber

How exactly do we remember events during the Reconstruction era, and how has it affected the way our collective memory has been shaped now? As I began researching the Reconstruction Era, I found the preliminary information that we have taught over the years is the abolishment of slavery and industrialization that occurred afterwards. However, I felt it was interesting to see how the formation of black rights and the steps it took to get there are not commonly taught aspects in the American school system.

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Title IX: 50 Years Later

By Hanna Laube

I have played sports pretty much my entire life; but I had never really given much thought as to the women who came before me, who gave me opportunities in the sports I loved so much. Once I became a collegiate athlete at BGSU, I learned that Title IX was the reason I and so many other women were able to play, and I was very grateful; however, when I looked further into the topic, I began to understand better that while Title IX is the reason women get to play, there is still long way to go to achieve equity in sports. 

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The Effects of False Second-Wave Feminism on Views of Feminism Today

By: Meredith Cass

Some people know that person who believes that feminism is no longer necessary. Their reasoning? They say that women have equal rights and wages with men. What if I told you that wasn’t true? In theory, women do have these things with the passage of much legislation. In practice, there is still a lot of work today.

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Can We Keep the Past in the Past?

By Kathryn Fyfe

People say that history is doomed to repeat itself. But is it really? How can that even be true with the incredible rate at which the world changes? The exact same events that have passed in history are not necessarily doomed to repeat. But if we watch carefully, we can see similar trends and comparisons between modern issues and our past handling of similar issues. For example, when compared to the Japanese internment during World War II, there are similar trends, events, and sentiments toward Arab Americans and Muslims in the US today.

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The Vinland Map: A Saga of Fraud

By Jacob Branstiter, History senior.

This project recounts one of the most heated scholarly debates of recent times, the question of the authenticity of the Vinland Map. From its origins in the hands of manuscript thief Enzo Ferrajoli, to its fraud revealed at the hands of independent researcher John Paul Floyd, this map’s legacy is forever marked by its infamy. This infamy stands as a cautionary tale to all researchers of the dangers of scholarly isolation, evidence suppression, and unknown provenance.

COVID-19 and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

American Response to Epidemics: Compare and Contrast

Article by Brendan Battle

            The United States and the world are in the midst of the worst international pandemic in generations, the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. The virus has claimed tens of thousands of lives and transformed everyday life as people, governments, and businesses struggle to respond to the highly virulent and deadly disease. However, this is not the first time the nation has been locked down by disease, with similar events occurring due to the 1918 influenza pandemic, popularly known as the “Spanish Flu.” The virus is estimated to have infected roughly five hundred million people, nearly a third of the world’s population at the time and claimed the lives of more than fifty million people, with over 500,000 of those deaths occurring in the United States.[1] Responses to both pandemics show weaknesses in our social systems and a conflict between interests of public safety and economic and political goals. The measures taken by our national, state, and city governments in response to our current pandemic show close similarities in both the successes and failures over one hundred years apart.

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Video Games helping to rebuild Historic Landmarks?

By: Weston Bensman

View of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral as the historic spire was collapsing (from:

Recent events have shown that video games may have other uses besides entertainment. In April 2019 Notre Dame cathedral caught fire and the structure was damaged extensively. Immediately after this disaster people in France and around the world called for a restoration and rebuild, but the difficulty of rebuilding the cathedral as close as possible to the original design was quickly realized. One of the biggest questions was whether the spire should be rebuilt after it collapsed during the fire. This is where Assassin’s Creed Unity can help as the creators of Assassins Creed attempt to be as historically accurate as possible when designing their games including architecture.   

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Making History Interesting

by Edward Belofsky

Modern restroom graffiti

There are a few people who are interested and choose to study history, and then there are those who are generally not interested until they come across something particular. This should not be new information as most of us have known for a while that if something is interesting or relatable, the more likely are to connect with the topic and find it enjoyable. In my opinion the best way to make history relatable, and therefore interesting to most people, is through comedy. Comedy might be one of the most relatable things on the planet, because most everyone likes a good laugh. For instance, most people are familiar with the funny graffiti that is sometimes scribbled around in public restrooms, and how interesting it can be some time to say the least. 

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The Emerald City and its Diverse People

Natalie Alexandra Stitak

From Native Americans to African Americans, many ethnic groups have made the image of Seattle what it is today. These ethnic groups, unfortunately, have faced many challenges, but have learned to overcome them and unite together.

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My History Undergrad Experience

by Brett Lance

072112 BGSU- Williams Hall
Williams Hall: Bowling Green State University

My four years of undergrad at Bowling Green State University has been the best years of my life so far. College has brought me friends that I will have for a lifetime. Most importantly though I have received a wonderful education. At first, I was only a Political Science major but I decided to make my minor of History a second major. It is one of the greatest decisions I’ve made here in my time at BGSU. 

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Snake Oil and Society: Misinformation and Social Cohesion in Times of Pandemic

Nicholas Clark Bowers

As we endure the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a worrying and stressful time. And to complicate matters even further, we are living in a truly global age when we can receive information in real time. The dissemination of misinformation, also known as “fake news,” has become almost synonymous with social media. I must admit that I have fallen for false stories online more times than I care to remember. During the pandemic I have seen an up-tick in the amount of questionable information that make me ask “Wait, really?” only to look into it further and see a complete fabrication, and it would seem I am far from the only one. I wondered how our previous generations experienced fake news, and what lessons we may be able to take from them. What I found is that the concept of fake news hampering disease response and breaking down social cohesion is nothing new.

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Fear and Racism: COVID and WWII

“I Am Not a VIRUS” for anti racism, bullying and hate in the outbreak situation of Coronavirus 2019 infection or Covid-19

By: Anne Mier

COVID-19 has been a stressful and scary time for a lot of people because their entire lives have been practically taken away from them. This virus is different from others because it can infect anyone, so there is no avoiding it.  In a time like this, it can be easy to put the blame on someone or a particular group. Especially when the first cases were being diagnosed and there wasn’t a lot of information, it was easy to jump to conclusions. Rather than blaming those who aren’t following the rules of social distancing, a lot of people have been blaming Chinese people or anyone that is perceived to be Asian for being the source of the virus.

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Japanese Internment Camps and the Connection to Fort Sill Protests

By Olivia Cotterman

I have always been interested in the personal side of history. The personal accounts of an event, the artifacts people make, and their diaries and journals. My latest research project has been about the Japanese Internment Camps and the way in which it has been remembered among the survivors. The xenophobia that pushed Japanese Americans into internment camps continues into the present day.

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Art Through Pandemics

By Haley Hoffman

Artists often take their inspiration from the world around them, meaning that major events affect their work. Tragedies such as plagues and pandemics have shaped the art that has been produced both during and afterwards. This is something that has affected not only the past, but also what we are going through today with the COVID-19 pandemic.  

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The Rise in Popularity of DNA Testing in the Past 5 Years

By: Jack Riegert

While the thrill of local and world history can be one hell of a goose-chase, genealogy DNA test kits are growing to be a popular medium for people to pursue this. Genealogy isn’t just a study of the run of the mill tax records or census records; being in the 21stcentury DNA testing is a new way to try to get an accurate analysis of your family’s history!  In the past five years, the growing industry of genealogy welcomed many new businesses and startups into the industry, businesses like 23andMe and Ancestry being the two largest. America is the melting pot, and most people have a general idea where their family comes from, sometimes indicated by last name, oral history, and skin color. 

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How COVID-19 is affecting People in Ohio

by Victoria Masson

In 1918, the world was fighting the Spanish flu which came from birds. It was thought to have come from Spain, but researchers showed that it came from New York. More than 50 million people have died from this according to the article “1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID- 19″. (.  At that time there were no vaccines for it and currently no vaccines for COVID-19. The current pandemic helps us understand the past because it affected people all over the world.   

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