Project 3- package design

Posted in VCT460 on October 26th, 2010 by Gillian Hanson

I have also been interested in the different tastes of organic food. Some companies produce large quantities of fruit with the help of fertilizers and adding nutrients in the soil that I like to call ‘fruit steroids’. These fruit have less taste than those that are grown more organically. For my product I want to come up with an organic package design for more organic fruit. Some believe that the more love and care you put into a plant the better the plant will produce healthy fruit.

In addition to this I want to provide several designs that are both smart designs as well as organic. I hate when I go to the grocery store and I buy a pint of strawberries and they look good on the top and bottom but in the middle where no one can see it a rotting strawberry that ruins all of those around it. One of my ideas is creating an ‘egg carton design’ so that the consumer sees each individual strawberry before they buy it similar to the packaging of eggs. I made sure to consider space and how to present the box in a store.

Another design that I have in mind is mimicking the natural shape of the strawberry to exaggerate the organic quality and love that were put into the growth of the strawberries.

The final design that I have some up with is my box design. It is a smart design because it will look be shaped to give off the impression of many strawberries that will help be cost effective.

Overall the bright designs as well as functionality will provide a good package design that represents the extra time and care that are put into wonderful tasting strawberries!

Design One, Front and Back: squares are glue, dotted lines are fold lines

Design Two, No glue needed Front and Back:

Three designs:


Assignment 5- Oct 5, 2010

Posted in VCT460 on October 5th, 2010 by Gillian Hanson

Part 1: Make HDR:

Original image:                                                Final Image:


My photo:
Original:                                                         Final:


For part one I feel that this a good substitute for the actual HDR process. It brings out more range of colors although it still does not compare to a true HDR image.

Part 2: Remove a person
Original:                                                         Final:


This is a good tool to know how to use in photoshop although it touches into the ethics of photography. How much can we edit a photograph and still keep it truthful?

Part 3:
I could not understand how to make water font, but I did make sort of the same thing but instead the font is in metal or any other texture. The font looks like it is coming out of the background. I was trying to find alternate directions on how to create the water font and came across this website:

My final image:

Part 4: Make a sunny day:

Original:                                                   Final:


Another Photo

Original                                                        Final


This technique could be used to stretch photos to extreme abstract. You can alter the background of many images using the Quick Selection Tool and having other backgrounds to use.

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