Assignment 4- September 28, 2010

Posted in VCT460 on September 28th, 2010 by Gillian Hanson

For this assignment I first selected the color range -red color of the car -and changed the hue/saturation to make the car black. Next I flipped the image so that it was facing the same direction as the other car. I did this because I needed to copy and past the Sheriff door onto my photo but the letters would be backwards if I kept it facing the opposite direction. I also copy and pasted the siren light off of the top of the car using the magnetic lasso. I converted both copy and pasted objects to smart objects so I didn’t do any destructive damage. After that I used the patch tool to get rid of the dice hanging from the rearview mirror. I continued to select areas of the car that were still red and adjusting the hue/satuation until most of the car was black while keeping the highlights. I changed the rims of the tires the same way too so that they were black. To finish up I went through a few spots with a black colored paintbrush in spots where the red was still obvious.

This is my finished car:

This is the original car:

This the police car I copy and pasted from:

Magazine Spread Project.

Posted in VCT460 on September 28th, 2010 by Gillian Hanson

I am doing my magazine spread on Olive Garden. I like their advertising and how they apply the rich italian culture to there advertisements. Since it is a restaurant I plan to use food photographs on my project. I like to harmony of the olive and the tan color similar to the one that olive garden uses with their color palette. I plan to make a collage of their products and apply appropriate text and a logo.

Assignment 3-Sept. 14 2010

Posted in VCT460 on September 14th, 2010 by Gillian Hanson

Part 1:

I used the lasso tool to get a good selection around the person. Next I went to refine edge after I made my selection. I placed my selection on a black background and than adjusted the radius. After that I adjusted the edge to create a natural selection by feathering and smoothing the edges. Next I used the refine radius tool to grab some more of the smaller details such as the loose hair, earrings, and some parts of the skin that I missed. Before finishing my refine edge changes I decontaminated the colors. I than placed the selection on the background and converted it into a smart layer. I than adjusted the size to better fit the background. Finally I cropped the image to make it look realistic.

Part 2:

For this photo I used the adjustment layers so that the black and white adjustments were not destructive. From the background image I used the black and white adjustment layer to make the picture black and white. Finally I used the brush tool to bring back the color in part of the photo, such as the tower and the colors reflected in the water.

Part 3:

To make a panoramic I used automate to merge three of the five photos. Then I used automate again to merge the other two photos. I adjusted the size of the smaller portion of the panoramic and did my best to line up the two images to create the full panoramic.

Movie Assignment thumbnails.

Posted in VCT460 on September 13th, 2010 by Gillian Hanson

“Based on the book by the famous Dr. Seuss. Inside a snowflake exists the magical land of Whoville. In Whoville, live the Who’s, an almost mutated sort of munchkinlike people. All the Who’s love Christmas, yet just outside of their beloved Whoville lives the Grinch. The Grinch is a nasty creature that hates Christmas, and plots to steal it away from the Whos which he equally abhors. Yet a small child, Cindy Lou Who, decides to try befriend the Grinch.” -imdb

“Rejected by the Who’s as a child and living in spiteful seculsion for most of his life, the Grinch has always hated the citizens of Whoville. That especially goes for Christmas with the Who’s noise, phony sentiment and wasteful materialism. When little Cindy Lou Who’s attempt to transcend the festivities’ empty commercialism by inviting the Grinch ends with his public humiliation, the Grinch hatches upon on his supreme scheme to ruin the holidays.” -imdb

For my designs I want to show the traditional christmas and then convey how the Grinch sees christmas. I have many different ideas about to do this. Perhaps creating a christmas wonderland scene and then have the Grinch be vandalizing the scene. Or perhaps the Grinch pushing the Christmas wonderland out of the frame to make room for himself. The pictures I have found online all have the Grinch dressed up in a santa suit so it would be a good idea to show comparison between the two santas. I really like the movie poster I found that just shows his hand and a broken christmas bulb. It will be hard to recreate the Grinch logo.

Assignment 2- September 7, 2010

Posted in VCT460 on September 7th, 2010 by Gillian Hanson

Part 1:

Before and After

For this photo I used the patch tool to correct the creases in the photo. I used the healing brush tool to correct the dust specks. I also used to clone tool to get rid of the dust specks. After that I cropped part of the corner and bottom out of the photo because it was damaged. I also adjusted the contrast to make the photo look better. And finally I used the burn tool to add more detail in spots that needed it.

Part 2:
Before and After

To correct this photo I first used the filter ‘dust and scratches.’ To use this filter I first selected around the subject with the lasso tool. Then I feathered the edge to give to filter a smooth edge. After that I selected the inverse in order to be working with the background. I than applied the filter to get rid of the spots in the background. After that I used to healing brush tool in order to fix the spots on the face, the hair, and the shirt.

Part 3:

Before and After

For this photo I used the patch tool several times to get rid of all of the tears in the photo. After that I used spot healing brush and the clone tool when I had more detailed parts that had tears so I could match the tones as close as possible (hair, face, hands). I also used the burn tool to make the shadows on the left shoulder more dynamic as well as around the numbers on his jersey to make them stand out more. Finally to get rid of the water stain I changed the whole picture to black and white. I also gave him a nasty black eye because he’s a football player and it makes him looker tougher.

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