
The change up!2

So, i have been lacking in my dedication to change the social barriers. Instead of branching out of the comfort zone, im staying with in my same circle of people, or those who act like me. And thats not the point of this exercise.
Im suppose to meet those, i usually wouldn’t, and network with everyone i come across…
but recently i haven’t. so ima try to re-interrelate myself . Ima start by sitting with someone new in my classes. i think thats a good way, even if they look or smell a little weird.
I mean the whole point is to give different people a new chance, right???

so thats what ima do!

2 thoughts on “The change up!

  1.    jmiles at September 26th, 2011 12:19 am:

    yeaa?? thats a way to meet new ppl??

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