Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience:

My audience is anyone that uses technology. I will use certain points/examples that are more relevant to students and educators.

My purpose is to inform and hopefully offer a fresh perspective on my topic.

Presenting the Issue:

I will present the issue in a personal context. I will use examples from my life and personal opinions to open the audience’s mind.

Making Argument/Counter-argument:

I will organize my individual arguments into separate paragraphs. I will use one or two paragraphs to acknowledge the validity of counter-arguments. I think with the dynamics of the topic the counter-argument will be more of an alternative perspective and less of a black and white, right or wrong situation.


The ending paragraph of my paper will take the most strong points/arguments from my paper and reiterate them and tie them all up in an organized way. I always try to have an ending paragraph that doesn’t leave any questions unanswered.