Archive for September, 2012

Can they handle the Responsibility?

I think that companies should let 23-year-olds run their social media. The younger generation knows the most about it so it would only be right, especially if that person has a college education and experience to accompany it. Even though older generations are starting to be more knowledgeable about social media, the truth is that they will never know as much as our generation does. Yes, some are immature but not all 23-year-olds should be blamed for it. I feel like this is a case where when somebody comes up with an idea and/or perfects it and it blows up; is when people come in and want to control it and take the credit. This semester I’ve noticed that more of my professors are into social media. I don’t think that this is mainly because they want to but because they have to in order to not get left behind. Tweeting and Facebook were not relevant to older generations but when it blew up, they jumped on the bandwagon, so why not put company social media sites in the hands of those who not only want to use it but know how to use it. Another thing is that older generations don’t have a big following unless they are a celebrity of some sort. Younger people can network on social media sites and find their target audience and actually get followed back. It’s sad but true. Companies should want people who are young and hip in order to get their names out there. Yes they may know the technicalities of it but we know the technicalities plus more. Last but not least, about the issue of being able to handle the responsibility, I think most 23-year-old college educated people can. I for didn’t spend the money on my education to flush it down the drain. We know the difference between what is right and what is wrong so should be trusted knowing that we were taught well by older generations. I know this may seem a bit controversial but I only speak on what I see and experience for myself.

13 comments September 18, 2012

Black Footprints at New York Fashion Week

1 comment September 18, 2012

Facebook And “Old People”

Social Media and “old people”

When social media websites first started to get popular, it was used mostly by teenagers. As it grew over the years, adults started getting interested in it to find old friends, classmates and family. Teens were mad when finding friend requests from their grandmother in their inbox. Personally I didn’t start accepting older family members until just this year. I was reluctant to do it in the past because I wanted to be able to post something without the worry of offending my “old school” family members who are much more conservative than my generation. The majority of my peers felt the same way and because of that, they migrated from Facebook towards Twitter just to get away from them. Another thing that came into play was, because of the fact that my family members are “old school”, “did I have to worry about them judging me from what I posted”? Which was another reason why I didn’t want to accept older family member as friends. After maturing a bit, I started to realize that social media websites are a good tool for people of all ages to use. Most people are too busy with life and don’t have time to keep in touch with their loved ones so being able to just log into Facebook at night or on a smartphone when you have a little down time is beneficial. I can admit that I still don’t accept family on twitter but Facebook is cool. The live chat capability along with being able to post pictures and a status gives our family a look into our live so that they can see what we are doing even if we don’t speak often. I recently got in touch with my favorite cousin as a child whom I hadn’t seen or heard from in almost 15 years but as soon as I saw her name in the request box I was excited and we got to catch up with each other. In conclusion, although I am still iffy about accepting family members in fear of offending them or them judging me, I believe it is a great tool to be used by all people of all ages

353 comments September 11, 2012

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

31 comments September 1, 2012

Creeping Employers

I don’t believe that looking at someones facebook profile is essential for learning about a person and actually hiring them. People have been working just fine without having social networks around. I also believe that its not necessary for employers to ask people for passwords. Although the actual profile is public that does not mean that an employer can infringe on the privacy aspect of it. I honestly believe that there is no reason for employers to look at social networks unless that person is believed to be dishonest about any company policies while being under investigation.

74 comments September 1, 2012






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