The “About Me” post

Yes I have seen an “About Me” post in many blogs so I’ll just keep the lovely trend going.Alright,I’m from Cleveland Ohio(go Cavs).I have been in theatre for about 10 years.I’m really a on-stage kinda guy but crew work is also really fun(plus I’ve had some of my best moments in crew).My favorite show that I have seen is probably either “The Lion King” or “Godspell”. “Wicked” is on my list of shows to see and I hope I get the chance to see it someday.I’ve been playing Tennis since I was about….uh…we’ll say 14.It’s one of the few sports that I can actually play well.I’m a fan of basketball but I can’t shoot a basket to save my life.I love to sing.It’s really kind of sad when you are hanging out with your friends and you break out into song.It happened…a lot.Writing is a great passion of mine.I have recently slowed down because I took 2 writing courses and really needed a break so I hope to get back into it.I hope to be a published author(I’m just going to assume the blog doesn’t count).I have a very long way to go but I think I can do it.
So their ya have it.You now know a little more about me…I hope.I’m not really sure if anyone can actually read this but,if you are,you can follow me on twitter @claycourttennis (once again all one word).I hope to hear from you guys soon.
Alright so that was the whole “what I like to do part.”

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