Screenr: Intro to MSE2

By , February 26, 2010 9:35 am

(Possible) MSE2 Topics

By , February 25, 2010 1:49 pm

I know the ink on MSE1 is barely dry (so to speak), but I’d like to keep your writing focused, and to that end, I invite you to think hard about what you’d like to argue for MSE2. Remember my previous advice for topics as you freewrite, outline, cluster, list and/or question. I’d like to put in research groups for MSE2, so I additionally invite you to consider writing on a topic that could be filed under one of these broad categories:

What is art? What isn’t? Should art be taught more/less in school? What does art contribute to society? Can you interpret a piece of art? Should art ever be censored? Does art enhance imagination? Should video games be considered art? Why do/don’t people go to museums? Who is the greatest artist of all time?

Media Studies
Where should Americans get their news? Are we oversaturated with media? What does Facebook’s popularity amongst young/old people say about America? Why do people become addicted to World of Warcraft? What makes a viral video catch on?

Pop Culture
Why does gangster culture endure? What does reality TV’s popularity say about us? Why does every TV show include lawyers/doctors/forensic scientists/cops? Why is [TV show/movie/musician/video game] popular? Why does torture porn/comic book movies make so much money in theaters? Why is 3-D a trend in movies?

Do computers change the ways we think? Is the Internet the greatest invention of all time? If not, what is?

Health & Wellness
Can we avoid a supervirus? Does the FDA approve too many shady products? Why do more and more people shop organic? Should colleges be more sustainable? What should be done about HIV/AIDS in Africa? What does our obesity epidemic say about us? Should fast food be better-regulated? Why do college students binge drink?

Business & Economics
Should workers be replaced by machines? What’s the role of innovation in business success? Is globalization a good thing? Can anyone reasonably survive on minimum wage?

Are we destroying the earth? Why do people still hunt? Does the EPA do its job? Could BGSU be “greener”?

Consumer Culture
How do advertisements manipulate children? Why do many Americans need to “keep up with the Joneses? What stereotypes exist in advertising? What do Big Box (Best Buy, Olive Garden, Lowe’s, etc.) stores say about us? Why do people go to the mall?

Race Relations
Why do stereotypes endure? Has Obama’s election truly made us “post-racial”? Do TV shows/movies/music help or hurt race relations? Why do suburban white kids so often adopt black culture? Is technology color-blind?

Family & Relationships
Why are some marriages successful (or not)? What’s the modern definition of “family”? How has technology changed dating/relationships? Why do some women stay in abusive relationships? How could parents do their job better? Should families have a family dinner/board game/book club night? Should couples get married sooner than they do? Should every family own a pet?

How do we learn? What should we learn? Should sex ed. be taught? Should schools be segregated? Is online education effective? Why do so few girls like math and science? Has technology made cheating in school easier? Are we too reliant on standardized tests?

Why do some people reject their family’s religion? Should college students “try on” different faiths? How do politicians/athletes/celebrities manipulate religion? Why do religions often make no room for other faiths? Is atheism itself a faith?

Have we truly made advancements in civil rights? Is there economic equality in America? Is the PATRIOT Act legal/moral/ethical? What has shaped America’s international reputation? Are there limits to privacy?

Sources Prezi Link

By , February 23, 2010 9:12 am

Here’s a link to my Prezi. Use the right and left arrow keys to move forward and backward, respectively. If you’re interested in how to construct a Prezi, contact me for a tutorial. They’re fun and lively! (Or, at least they’re funner and more livelier than other presentation software I know of coughPowerPointcough.)

Screenr on Prezi on Sources

By , February 23, 2010 9:10 am

Sources Prezi

By , February 23, 2010 9:09 am

Screenr: Week 7, MSE1 Revision

By , February 22, 2010 9:22 am

Further MSE1 Reminders

By , February 22, 2010 8:43 am

Hopefully you’re all revising meaningfully, truly re-seeing your large-scale “global” issues such as argument clarity and synthesis and metadiscourse as well smaller-scale, “local” issues punctuation and word choice.

To help facilitate revision, here’s a short list of suggestions I hope you’ll consider:

“I believe” or “I feel” language is never appropriate for academic discourse. When you couch your arguments in “It is my belief”-type statements, you limit your ability to persuade. In essence, you’re not trying to persuade, you’re only sharing your opinion. You want your argument to be forceful and compelling, not limited by “I believe” talk.

Avoid gerunds–which are verbs that end in -ing but behave like nouns. They’re very passive. Don’t begin a sentence with “Having” or “Seeing” or “Making:” such language stunts your ability to write actively. This is something we’ll work on all semester, but I just want to put it on your grammar radar.

Keep working on synthesis. There are really two sites where synthesis can happen, so as you revise, closely examine and consider them:

1. Second quote intro: When you introduce your paragraph’s second quote, you should use a verb of attribution that expresses that quote’s relationship to the first. There are a lot of relationship-verbs out there, so use as many as your vocab allows:
further contends
provides additional proof
(and a lot more that I won’t just hand over to you.:))

2. The second site of synthesis comes after your second quote. Once both of your quotes are clearly introduced and incorporated into your paragraph, it’s time to put them to work:

Mention your sources again by name, explaining their interaction in terms of supporting your argument:

“Both Smith and Jones share a common concern about childhood obesity’s long-term effects on America’s health care system…”

“Smith’s findings, coupled with Jones’ data, provide a harrowing picture of a future generation of socially awkward twentysomethings…”

When I read your final drafts, I’ll be looking at your second quote intro and, especially, the ends of your body paragraphs and CA for clear interaction between your sources and a clear explanation of how that interaction helps uphold/”prove” your paragraph, and then how that paragraph helps uphold/”prove” your thesis.

Be direct in your language and be explicit about your synthesis.

If you feel like you’re overexplaining, you’re probably on the right track.

Email me any questions, as always.

Screenr: Week 6.5, MSE1 Reminders and Revision

By , February 17, 2010 1:04 pm

MSE1 Workshop Parameters

By , February 15, 2010 10:22 am

You know I want you to respond organically, naturally to each other’s work. However, I also want you to consider the following questions as you read:

Does it get readers’ attention?
Does it provide relevant background information?
Does it define any necessary key terms?
Is the issue at hand properly contextualized, narrow, and manageable?
Does the author take a clear stand on the issue?
Does the intro contain a clear, debatable thesis statement?
Does the thesis mention (1) the issue, (2) the stance, (3) the reasons and (4) the CA?

Body Paragraphs:
Is there a clear, focused, helpful topic sentence and transition?
Are there at least two different sources cited?
Are the quote intros helpful, or are there annoying (Names)?
Are there helpful verbs of attribution throughout (like agrees, extends, demonstrates)?
Is the first quote clearly analyzed?
Is the second quote synthesized with the first?
Are both quotes synthesized with the paragraph/reason?
Is the paragraph/reason connected to the thesis/stance?
Does the paragraph end meaningfully?
Is there a transition at the end of the paragraph?

Is there a clear topic sentence and transitions that signals a CA paragraph?
Are there two separate sources cited?
Are there meaningful verbs of attribution?
Do those sources interact meaningfully?
Does the author refute or concede? Does s/he do so clearly?
Is the CA logical? Does it help the overall argument?

How’s the essay’s MLA looking? Correct, or lazy?
Is the essay’s title snazzy?
Is the essay’s tone academic, formal, professional, respectful?
Is the essay’s voice active and NOT passive?
Are any quotes too long (40+ words or 4+ lines)?

Maybe check out Ra Ra Riot’s cello-infused brand of pop-rock as you respond?

Screenr: Week 5.5, Sample MSE

By , February 10, 2010 10:06 am

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