Archive for project 1

Project 1 Research Brief

Nerf Display

Nerf isn’t just about the dart guns that we’re accustomed to here at BGSU.  Originally, the Nerf family came from a polyurethane foam ball back in the late 60s.  It grew to Super Nerf Ball and Nerf football.  Over a small series of improvements and expansions to the Nerf line, there’s a vast array of sport balls, rockets, ball ammunition, and Nerf guns with darts.

A popular development with uses of the dart guns has been a game called “Humans Versus Zombies.” It has spread to many university campuses (including BGSU) where the game is played a few times per year.  What this does essentially, is both increase the sales of Nerf products, but it also gives a very clear niche as to what types of consumers would by Nerf guns, and also even design guns specifically for them.

I plan to promote this product by targeting that niche, the college students who participate in the Humans V. Zombies game.  By decorating the in-store display to have an adventurous and military feel, it would stir the emotions of many 18-23 year olds to join in the fight/game.

The advertising message I want to convey is, “Join the Resistance. Enlist today.” The display would contain all the fashionable and efficient guns…and the not-so-efficient-but-really-cool-looking double barrel shotgun.

The last four images are not quite what I was going for, but they’re examples of what’s already done.

Disclaimers: I do not play HvZ and do not intend to. Secondly, I’m not an artist.