President Obama Signs Bill
President Obama arrived in North Carolina on Monday and delivered a speech that criticized the recent vote by Senate Republicans that blocked his $447 billion jobs bill.
In his speech, Obama emphasized that his bill will create jobs and and boost the economy.
According to a CNN article, Obama’s main goals with the bill are to extend and expand the payroll tax cut, extend jobless benefits, provide tax cuts to businesses that hire unemployed people and add additional money to help “save and create” jobs for teachers and first-responders.
The GOP in the Senate unanimously opposed the bill. Republicans filibustered the jobs bill last week and even some Democrats said they would have opposed it if it had made it to the Chamber’s floor.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Virginia, expressed a willingness to compromise but stated that Republicans will not agree to tax increases. Republicans have accused Obama of class warfare while Democrats say the wealthy need to share in the fiscal responsibility as well.
Obama and his administration are currently working to break “up the jobs bill into individual measures on spending and tax cuts,” said Mark Landler in an article for the New York Times. Once completed, Obama said, Congress will be asked to vote on each measure separately.
The first part of the job bill to come up for a vote will be a component granting $35 billion in aid to states and local jurisdictions. This vote has yet to be scheduled by Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.
If Congress doesn’t pass this, Obama said to the crowd, “then they’re not going to have to answer to me. They’re going to have to answer to you.”
I really like this blog. I like the layout because it is simple and fits the “topic”. I think you did a good job with the story. It was very “to the point” and there were no errors.
Nice post. My brother told me that this bill was the 2nd largest budget deficeit to be proposed . I guess Obama proposed the bill on Friday so the weekend news would bury the story.
I love how congress can never really agree on anything, becoming pointless. I wonder what the final bill proposal will look like once they compromise and rework it. This is why we should have line-item veto. Nice topic.
Good job on a news post, finding news links and attribution. Also good on AP style!
One problem I see is awkward quotes. Either use full quotes or only partial quotes when they make sense. This is a weird place to cut up a quote:
Obama and his administration are currently working to break “up the jobs bill into individual measures on spending and tax cuts,” said Mark Landler in an article for the New York Times.
Also, make sure you continue to attribute throughout the story, especially quotes. It should say, “Blah blah,” Obama was quoted as saying in the New York Times.