As we discussed in class, Brooklyn and its community members of all kind had different opinions about the project proposal to “rebuild” the city. Making a comparison to our feelings we might have in that situation to those on the video was easy to decide who we were most alike. I had chosen the bar owner. Both of us agreed that although the plans were nice, it’s not necessary to demolish an entire area full of culture, tradition and history. Instead of rebuilding everything, community buildings were most important and useful to us. Projects such as daycares, sports arenas and community centers would most likely get a large number of “yes” votes. This large number of votes may make big businesses or prosperous families want to be recognized by the community for their conscious efforts to give back through donations to these buildings.
Donations and grants are one of the best ways to help finance a building project. These acts of kindness or publicity from the government, businesses or families are vital because of the complimentary funds that are given. No interest means less costs overall. According to creating a building that meets green standards within your state can possibly help you retain more funds once you’re through the application process. Sites such as The Funders’ Network and Home Depot focus on creating sustainable living or community projects if you can prove the need for their aid.
It is easy to see that non-for profit organizations have already jumped on this wagon to search out donations from the community. This is visible at many websites, but particularly where you can view the grants they have already received and where you can personally donate online.
As I started to mention above, large donations from businesses and families creates good publicity. This good deed is also followed by naming rights to that specific facility. A chart located in our book on page 391(12th edition) states stadiums, sponsor names, sponsor amount per year and when the contract expires. For Coors Brewing Company to sponsor the Colorado Rockies Stadium, Coors Field, indefinitely they are consistently receiving invaluable marketing benefits from their field being associated with the Rockies.
Works Cited
“Funding Opportunities | Green Building |US EPA.” US Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 02 Sept. 2010. .
“Heights & Hills Infrastructure-Building Project.” Brooklyn Community Foundation. Web. 02 Sept. 2010. .
Sawyer, Thomas H. Facility Planning and Design for Health, Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sport. 12th ed. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Pub. L.L.C., 2009. Print.
10:06 pm - 10-14-2010
Emily, It is apparent to me that you gained some knowledge of city infrastructure,project funding and resources from the video,class and researching the subject.
6:23 am - 10-18-2010
Raising public funds for restoration of a city is its own animal. Much different than budgeting for a private business expense. It seems like you learned some of those avenues from your analysis.