What I Write

October 23, 2009

The writing I enjoy involves an old black and white notebook where I record random thoughts, ideas, reminders, sketching, etc. In a way it’s like a journal… when you have too many thoughts inside your head writing them down feels like you’re siphoning those thoughts from your brain, through your arm then through your pen onto paper. Along with writing whatever your thinking it also allows any tension, stress, or confusion to be released and organized in plain view instead jumbled and mixed up inside your mind. Since this notebook is kept near my bed any task, errand, or reminder that pops in my head in the middle of the night can be recorded because I know if I don’t write it down I won’t remember it come morning. It’s a personal notebook where I record memories and events that occur that are worth remembering in detail. I’m not a great writer of essays, poems, or articles but the area of writing that I enjoy most is writing whatever comes to mind in no particular structure or order.

A collaborative project to promote the National Day on Writing by the Bowling Green State University Writing Center and the Center for Online and Blended Learning.