My Day

October 20, 2009

  Today was a lazy day.  I woke at 10:30 and went to my first class of the day, Intro to music 101.  We reviewed for our midterm that will be taking place on thursday, which I am not prepared for at all.  After class I smoked the usual cigarette on my way back to the smelly run down dorm.  When I got back I plopped directly back into bed and took a long much needed nap.  I woke up around 2 and threw on my shoes and headed directly to my next class, Bio101.  I sat in the huge lecture hall listening to my teacher talk about something, but im not quite sure anybody in the class really understood what he said.  He is from Africa so he has a heavy accent, but he is aware of it so he always posts his notes online.  After class, as i walked back to my old dorm, I listened to this stinky kid tell me about how he was so deprived of sleep.  I just agreed with everything he said even though I didnt really care.  I got back to my room and passed out again, and woke up and came to my writing class where i wrote this blog.

A collaborative project to promote the National Day on Writing by the Bowling Green State University Writing Center and the Center for Online and Blended Learning.