Campus Writing Center at Illinois College

October 20, 2009

Our Campus Writing Center at Illinois College is collaborating like crazy to celebrate NDoW. Besides the requisite bowls of candy, we are hosting an exquisite corpse. We also have an email corpse going and will be able to post that tonight!

On Tuesday, October 20,
our nation
will celebrate its
first National Day on Writing!
To kick off IC’s contribution to this NDoW occasion,
we will have a tremendous writing event in the Kirby Rotunda
starting at 9:00 a.m. and going all day!
The goal is to get EVERYONE in the U.S. to write something,
so come and ADD A LINE
to our
Exquisite Corpse Poems!

sponsored by the English Department,

the Campus Writing Center, Forte, Sigma Tau Delta,

and our Claridge Visiting Writer, Karyna McGlynn

A collaborative project to promote the National Day on Writing by the Bowling Green State University Writing Center and the Center for Online and Blended Learning.