Taggable Topcs
- Ask Men “Doc” gives men advice on how to interact with us women 0
- Esquire Be everything he wants read esquire see what classy men crave 0
- Facebook A social networking site reconnect with people you care about I wouldn’t suggest meeting new people on her that could be dangerous yikes! 0
- First Date Help How to survive your first date 0
- Good relationship advice This is good site with alot of variety and its backed up by doctors 0
- Great Relationship and Sex Talk The magazine cosmo has a great sex and love section check it out! 0
- Online dating A host that generates all the best online dating websites 0
- Think Simple Now This website by Tina Su teaches you how to love yourself and have a fufulling relationship with yourself. I gained clarity and hapiness in life. 0
- To win a battle you must know what the other team thinks. Mens Health website and magazine gives advice and thought from the male perspective. 0
- Womens Health Mag Has great relationship advice from love languages to intimacy 0
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About me to you!
My name is Courtney Wheaton I am a Junior at Bowling Green State University GO Falcons. I love to help my friends with their relationship issues. I want everyone to be healthy and happy. I also love to write..and I absolutely love photography. I am studying journalism which has enabled me to really expand my writing into other realms such as BLOGGING. This is my first blog. Its really about girl stuff, but boys can learn a few things too. You guys are more than welcome to take a gander. Ill be discussing several topics here. Every week Ill be discussing a new topic. Ill also be uploading pictures, videos,audio and much more.