
All around us we hear the term lovesick. Is love sickness a real ailment or is it just a  word we use to describe someone getting over a break-up. Gabrielle Roberts, 21 of Bowling Green, Ohio said ” Love sickness makes your heart literally ache ,and love sickness gives you a knot inside your stomach. Sometimes You feel like you don’t want to wake up from sleeping or do anything for that matter.” This is response is similar to the four other young women I talked to ranging from age 18 to 24.

The response differed in the young men I polled. Kevin Zamora ,24 of Columbus Ohio said” I definitely feel sad after a breakup, but I keep it moving on to the next you know?” In theory men are less susceptible to love sickness because of their biological makeup. Their primary goal in life is to spread their seed and to procreate with as many woman as they can. Women on the other hand are nurturers by nature. A woman’s primary goal in life  is to build a strong relationship with a mate that is capable for providing for her and her children.

Although lovesickness is not classified as a legitimate disease as of yet, Manhattan Pyschiatrist Donald Klein is researching the topic more closely so that one day it can be taken seriously by the medical field . He classifies these love sick individuals as sufferers of Hysteroid dysphoria. In laymen terms it literally means a hysteria like discomfort.

In congruence with my own researchers Klein said that ” These people mostly women, are not true depressives. they are so vulnerable they repeat their love cycles over and over again. Studies show that a new anti depressant called MAO mixed with talk therapy improved the symptoms of these women within 18 months.

Klein will now ask for a grant from the New York Health Council for over 30,000 dollars to do a 3 year study of the love sick. There should be no problem finding candidates for the new study. Heartbroken people are everywhere. There is a heartbreaking as we speak. 

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