CHEAP DATES..Its college.
Written on February 28, 2011 – 3:22 pm | by cswheat
OK so now that we have how to act on a first date we obviously need to know where to go. During college you are most likely the most broke you will be in your life time. I know you have your part-time job at the local dairy queen but between that rent and groceries theres not much left for the dating scene.
Ideas that I have perfected.
Dinner for two at home. Its so much cheaper to go to the grocery store and make spaghetti and garlic bread than go to olive garden noodles 2 bucks sauce 3 bucks and walmart brand garlic bread 2 dollars and some change. Then if you really want to get fancy you can add candles from the dollar store for a dollar each. All together thats 9 bucks versus the forty that a dinner for two would cost.
A extensive movie night
Redbox is the newest coolest way to rent movies! It only cost one dollar to rent and they are newer movies. The only catch is that you have to bring the movies back in the next 24 hours after your rental. You can buy snacks and even invite some of your friends to pretend to be other movie goers in a crowded theatre.
Double Date Game Night
This is where you find every game from your childhood and bring them over for the ultimate game night. Bring as many couples as you like. The friendly competition is fun for the guys, and seeing you mate pretend to be a duck is definitely a perk for the girls. Games that I like most are scattergories, things, and taboo.
*disclaimer – Every once in awhile go out to eat your guy or girl might feel like you are lazy and ashamed of them and might want to be wined and dined somewhere fancier than your apartment.!