Media Blog 3

My third blog entry has to do with the new legislation that is taking place in the Arizona State Governement about SB 1070.  The legislation involves making it mandatory for all persons if, for example, are stopped for a traffic violation will need to provide for proof of citizenship in the United States.  The article was found in the Ethics Newswatch Database and here is its hyperlink for your viewing pleasure…

Under the proposed law that passed but was quickly shelved before it could take effect in July… has been under judicial review since then.  The law was determinately opposed by people within Arizona stating that it would officially sanction racial profiling within law enforcement agencies and could be thought about a racist law.  People have even been calling for a boycot for the State of Arizona’s economic centers like convention centers like people have done in the past to get their point across.  

A way that this is similar to Takaki’s Chapter 5 is that the slaves heard about the civil war going on and how the Yankees have been moving even closer to the individual plantations and the slaves would kind of boycot working the plantation as much as possible.  Even though they would be whipped if they did not work, they would still not work as much as possible when the master or slave drivers were not around thus reducing production and less money for the plantation itself.

The plantation owners would sleep in fear with guns near their bed and the women would always be scared that the big black slaves would hurt or rape them because of how poorly the slave owners treat them.  It is kind of comparable in a sense between back then and now that some people sleep in fear who live on the border of Arizona and Mexico.  Many farmers have been attacked and stole from by illegal immigrants crossing the border in the United State of America.  I believe solely that when the security of our people rest in the hands of lawmakers that they should follow through with their actions and protect the people who actually pay taxes… pay for the borderpatrols…. pay for the support of our department of defense, and likewise, be secure in our great country.  To say that we shouldn’t ask people to be able to prove that they are a citizen is absolutely ludicrous and would never be tolerated in any other country.  Now, I do realize that our country is and never will be the same as any other country, but we need to have less tolerance on rules and more strict laws because I do believe that Americans are given too many priveleges… priveleges that some take for granted.  

Now, I am not oblivious to the political game that is being played by lawmakers in the fact that it is important for Arizona and other states to have workers who cannot be tracked by the IRS for cheap labor purposes, but I am to say that I don’t care how much a piece of fruit’s price inflates.  I want those who live in the United States to be paying for living in our great country and not take advantage of our system.

Sorry for the rant but thats what I believe and I’m stickin to it!

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