Monthly Archives: March 2020

Need to plan faster?

Sure you do. At PRSA’s webinar, Internal Communication during COVID-19, my colleagues and friends Becky Graebe from Dynamic Signal, and Ally Bunin from Reynolds Russell Associates and I talked about a heap of ways to do a good job communicating … Continue reading

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So it’s like that, is it?

Yep. We are all online all the time for the rest of this semester. I understand and support the change, and yet, I’m a little sad that it’s come to this. I REALLY like teaching. I REALLY like the students … Continue reading

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Has the horse left the barn?

So here at BGSU we’ve acted proactively and announced we’re going to be online-only after our spring break next week, for two weeks. For me, it’s not a big deal. We can do quite a lot of our stuff online, … Continue reading

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Why Grad School is a good idea

If someone would have told me my freshman year of college I would be completing a master’s degree in one year right after graduating with my bachelor’s degree, I wouldn’t have believed them. The thought of going to graduate school … Continue reading

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