Clinton’s gneder tightrope

it is apparent that the time could be right for a female president.  That being said, it is imperative that the campaign be run in the correct manner.  it is very apparent though that the media has picked up on this fact.  The term that I am going to refer to here is strategy structure after reading this article, I believe most will agree that the media has turned its attention to the strategy of Hillary’s campaign, they are all about how she is going to spin her use of her gender.  It seems that most of the people around her certainly beleive in her but they seem to be in agreement that she should be careful about over playing the gender card.  I can see what they mean when they say over playing the gender card can be detremental to her campaign.  It can hurt her chances because by showing her strength to the female gender and that she isn’t concerned about the male gender.  The thing that always amazes me with the media is that they are always focused on a candidates strategy and how what the candidate needs to do to win the election as opposed to focusing the candidates view on issues and policies.  It would be better in the publics view if the media focused on what the candidates experince with regards to politics, their political views and what the voters are going to get for political results if they elect this candidate.  Unfortuantely finding out more about a candidate doesn’t sell news it is evidently in the media’s, opinion all about the strategy structure for the campaign not really reporting the news.

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One Response to Clinton’s gneder tightrope

  1. zbraun says:

    I agree that Hillary’s strategy will be very important for her to win the election. I think that if she really wants to shine the mentioning of gender should be at most touch-and-go, that is I wouldn’t bring up gender unless necessary. If she tries to campaign to much with her gender she will point out over and over that she is a female (nothing wrong with that), and that something new in the white house may not be that great right now. that is the stigma that we just had the 1st black president, and now we might have the 1st female president. pending on the general public’s opinion on Obama as his term comes to a close directly effects Clintons running not only as a democrat but also as “another 1st”.

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