The New York Times recently posted a article that disguised rhetoric in about Rand Paul’s accepting of Bitcoin, a form of digital currency that is untraceable and is not backed by anything other than trust and the online market. If you are unaware of Bitcoin the article doesn’t really explain it other than that its bad side, which is a concern, but it isnt the only issue. Bitcoin being what it is can be exploited very easily and say you want to give more than the limit of 100 dollars. if you move bitcoins between accounts you could potentially send thousands of untraceable funding to a campaign that could be from a foreign source or just making campaign funding even more secretive for corporations. not to mention that Bitcoin has been known to fluctuate massively, it went from a few cents to over 1000 US Dollars each bitcoin when it first got attention. that being said if someone controlled the market for a candidate could kill the market donate more money then raise the value which then can be converted into currency and used for any expense remember that its untraceable so they don’t necessarily have to used this funding for there campaign. its a trust based system in a untrustable market being mixed with politics. the article although questions the use of bitcoin it mentions its strong support including this comment at the end: Mr. Klein said. “I also believe in a year or two, this won’t be a story because every candidate will accept Bitcoins — just like every candidate has a website.” hopefully this doesn’t get abused.
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