In class we discussed political surrogates, which are basically people who are affiliated with a politician in any certain way. Our discussion included examples from the 2008 presidential election and the relationship between Barrack Obama and his controversial former minister Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Rev. Wright was targeted for making anti-American and anti-Semitic statements in his sermons to his congregation, which Obama was a part of for over 20 years. Obama took a lot of heat during the election because of the comments made by the reverend. Sensing controversy, Obama immediately denounced Rev. Wright’s comments, and luckily for him it did not cost him the election. It is important for politicians to be aware of the people they surround themselves with, and whom they wish to support. This story discusses how Democrats, specifically Nancy Pelosi are supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement. In fairness, we must mention that Republicans supported a somewhat similar movement in the Tea Party, but I see this as a much more controversial endorsement. Although the underlying message coming from the Occupy Wall Street movement resonates with almost everyone, it’s the negative reports we hear about, that could hurt a politician’s image if they were to support it. There have been reports of drug use, sexual assaults being covered up, violence, and various other crimes. We all agree that greed and corruption is harmful to the country, but as a public figure, supporting a group who is protesting it in all the wrong ways can create a backlash in the future for that individual. This is why politicians should be aware of who they support, and choose to surround themselves with.
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I’m going to have to disagree with a couple of points in this blog. The only real similarity between the Tea baggers and the Occupy Wall Street is that they are both called movements, but that’s where it ends. We already know that the Tea Bagger movement was not a grassroots movement. Big money like the Koch brothers and Dick Army were bussing baggers to protests and there have also been reports of some of them being paid to protest and we also now know that their numbers were often exaggerated by “news” outlet Fox News; protesters were also coached in what to say as they protested at town hall meetings all over the country. Occupy Wall Street is a much more organic movement that got its start from a lot more people than the Tea Baggers could ever muster, feeling marginalized. Tea Baggers were also much more political, Republican to be exact; they supported republican candidates and vocally and even rudely opposed republican opponents. Occupy Wall Street has not supported any candidate or party. Teabaggers targeted Democratic politicians, Occupy Wall Street targets policies that have created an unfair system in this country, and have the support of millions of Americans. According to the polls, Occupy Wall Street has more support than the Tea Baggers have had during their existence. As far as Nancy Pelosi “supporting” Occupy Wall Street, her voters more than likely see it as a positive point in her favor. Also if we are to believe the polls it’s a much wiser decision than those made in supporting the Tea Baggers. It probably wouldn’t be too difficult in distancing herself from any negative stuff happening in the Occupy Wall Street movement, probably by saying something like “I support the sentiments of the movement, but must disavow the ‘negative behavior.’
I disagree with many things in this comment, but i will restrict it to just a few.
First off, i feel i must stress that OWS is not a partisan movement. A huge base of OWS are libertarians. There are also socialists, democrats and probabaly even a few republicans. Saying that OWS is similar to the Tea Party is off. From the beginning OWS has tried not to publicly associate itself with a particular political party, however it has always been very obvious that Tea Partiers are very very republican. The issue at stake is something that effects everyone, not just one party.
Also, the statement that this groups is protesting in all the wrong ways is way off. Form the onset of the movement, OWS has been a peaceful movement. They use peaceful means of protest, and are striclty nonviolent in their actions. The “violence” being committed is by law enforcement trying to “subdue” the already peaceful crowds. I dont understand how this peaceful movement can be seen as anything but healty and good.
Dear Danem,
I take your point, I’m sickened by the protests around this country of people who want criminals to be given legal status in America.
Make no mistake about it, anyone in this country who did not go through legal immigration channels is a criminal and should face the consequences of their actions.
Keep up the posts!