My posting this week actually comes from a short video clip compiled by CNN that details some of the awkward and funny shortcomings that often take place within politics. The link to the video can be found here: and it is definitely worth a watch and most likely will warrant a few laughs. The video shows some of the behind the scenes moments that can lead to awkward encounters when members of opposite parties cross paths. Scenes like “awkwardly long photo op” “smile for the cameras” and “awkward bro hug” make the clip and it makes sense because of just how much party members have to cross paths with opposite party members.
I think the biggest take away from this video is the interactions between different parties. Often times we see members from opposite parties interacting with each other but we only see the pretty, edited versions that the media choose to show us. In this video we see the behinds the scenes interactions of people who more than likely really don’t like each other. We see these candidates competing against each other and often times tearing each other down yet at the end of the day they are always supposed to get along and enjoy each other. As most of us know that is not how human interaction works. When someone is constantly attacking us and pointing out our flaws we more than likely do not like that person and we can see some of that in this video. In this video we can see that these interactions may be taken personal more often than not. It makes sense cross party politics can get a little personal and we see that these interactions may harbor some awkward animosity towards each other. A great little video compiled that shows us that politics may be just as personal as it seems.