Many Republicans are anxiously waiting for Jeb Bush to announce his bid for the presidential race. Even though Jeb Bush has not put his bid in yet, he definitely in the surfacing stage of the his potential presidential campaign. In the article from CNN, Jeb Bush was in New Hampshire at the presidential primary event called “Politics and Eggs”. Mr. Bush has the name recognition like Clinton that many other candidates do not have. As the son and brother of two former presidents, Jeb Bush is a name that about all Americans recognize.The problem that is that Jeb Bush does not want to be recognized as a Bush. He wants to be known as his own person for his heart.
Another thing the article touched based on was the face that Jeb Bush is already doing some campaign strategies. For instants, he is already doing some polling. While in New Hampshire, Bush held a Summit and many of the attendees felt either two ways. One that they something new that because he is a Bush that hurts him. The other side was that Bush impressed the younger crowd. The ones that were not alive when his father was president but was alive when his brother was. I think this article is a true example that name recognition in politics can either hurt you or help you.
Very interesting article. I have been eager to learn more about Jeb Bush for sometime now because I only ever really hear about him in our political comm class. As unbelievable as it may seem I am a fan of George W. Bush so every time I hear about Ray talking about Jeb I try to listen closely to see what kind of politician he is. From what I have gathered in class he is much like Donald Trump with the political facing that he does. I must say that as far as this goes I am not a big fan. It is my opinion that if a candidate is going to run then they just come out and say that they are running. The spectacle that potential candidates put on seems so unnecessary to me.
The other part of your article I also find interesting and it could definitely be one of the reasons that Jeb has not yet run, his name. The name Bush is met with both positive and negative reaction in politics. I think that Jeb faces a difficult challenge of accepting his family roots in the eyes of W. Bush supports and distancing himself from those who are not fans of his. It will definitely be an interesting aspect to monitor if he ever does decide to run instead of just teasing the possibility.