No matter which political tab you click on, under any website you are going to find something about Hillary Clinton. She is a well known Politian /woman /name /candidate with 100% name recognition. Since her announcement to run for president she has been all over the news and the web. Out of the many news articles I have read and found about her I found this one from the Huffington post, about her age. Reading the title and thinking about what it was wanting me to think about verses the things it could actually be about before clicking on the article I had never considered her age as being an issue (and still do not) whether a supporter or not was the age of any of our candidates (in this round of candidates) in your mind? I know that many people were worried about McCain’s age. Her being 67 years of age, in a country where the average life expectancy for women is 81 years old is this something we need to think about? Or could this be a tactic…for or against her? She is an experienced, female politician whose values and views should (and usually are) under question much more than her age.
What does age mean? Wisdom? Closer to death? Or something not even mentioned?
I agree with you that Hillary Clinton is one of the most recognizable names, especially in the last year. Although age is an important factor, I do not think it is one that should even be brought up when talking about her candidacy. The article states that “Age is an asset. It’s no disqualifier.” I agree with this statement. We have had a few presidents in our country’s history that have been right around Hillary’s age. In fact, if she is elected, she will be the same age as Ronald Reagan when he was elected to the presidency. It will be interesting to see how else her age will stir debate.
I can not help but think that maybe the only reason they are talking about her age is because she is a woman. While other candidates in the past have had their own age brought up, the scrutiny was not quite there on every occasion. While the framing of this particular article was rather positive by saying that the older generations are being more accepted, why is that even an issue? I couldn’t agree with you more on never having even thought of her age as an issue. I’m curious to see when someone will start talking about menopause, or other health concerns that older women have but that have nothing to do with the presidential race. Let’s just hope that that suit jacket doesn’t make her look to old or over weight at her next event…
*too old