This article is all about Senator Marco Rubio announcing his bid for the republican nomination as their choice of presidential candidacy in 2016. This is an example of surfacing. While Senator Rubio maybe fairly new to the political arena he has obviously, by looking at his credentials has been setting himself up to be a viable candidate for the presidency. While the senator’s choice of announcement for candidacy date may not have been the best he has certainly made a big splash. The scene for the announcement was as follows, he spoke from what would be considered a flashy political setting in front of a large crowd of donors. Senator Marco Rubio has made it known that he is taking on Hillary Clinton in this race. While The senator may be young and by some considered that a first term senator as not being experienced enough to run this country he took this in to consideration and laid out a specific plan to show himself a s a policy expert, on both foreign along with domestic issues. Rubio is a first generation immigrant with his parents fleeing Cuba and becoming US. citizens Rubio has framed his campaign to the voters as him being a man that came from blue collar roots who can relate to the common citizen and will be out to help the average American have a voice in government instead of the typical top 1% of America making the laws that all citizens must live by.
Hi Tony. I like Rubio however when looking at his percentage rankings among republican candidates he doesn’t seem to be fairing so well. One thing i read about him this week was that perhaps in some way he is actually running for the vice-presidency. He would be a prime candidate for one of the front runners to take on as their running mate once the republican representative is established. With a field that will most likely be packed within the next few months, I just don’t think he has much of a chance to get in as a serious contender. However VP candidate I think he has a strong chance.