Australia is in quite a bind.

In Australia the Aboriginals are facing the diminishing of their own cultures. The federal funding has been cut off as of July of 2015. This is the funding that provides for the indigenous communities forcing them to find a new way to support themselves. The government has been using ways of revenue to control the communities for basic human needs like water and waste removal.  When the Prime Minister referred to their way of life as a ‘lifestyle choice’ he received many critics, including his own senate, saying he needed to apologize for labeling a culture of people that have been prominent in their country for over 55,000 years. By creating this drama he has specifically brought attention to this issue. Many years ago when the people had moved into the smaller towns to make a living it created social issues like alcoholism and drug issues with homelessness as well. The towns folk are not interested in the possible influx of people that could return with the government cutting off the funding. It caused issues in their living standards and also raised the crime rate. Without the funding to provide extra police or security to the small towns, it created the tension between the different cultures.  The West Australian Premier has also been polarizing the indigenous people by accusing them of not giving the children a chance to grow up and be successful people because of rampant cases of child abuse. It has since been disregarded as a political ploy and not credible. In all people are worried because the government is defining the Australian people as one instead of the several different communities and cultures that are contained in that country. With much contradiction not only in what is being said but also between members of the government, it is hard to follow along with which path the elite are choosing to take and why that is the chosen direction.

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