Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has come out to say that he will be making a “big announcement” on April 13. He plans on announcing what he plans to do in terms of whether or not he will be running for President. According to CNN, he will be giving a pitch about restoring the vision of America, which is not a common speech if he’s seeking reelection as Senator. In our textbook, Denton, Jr. and Kuypers explain that the Surfacing Phase is where candidates achieve visibility, establish credibility or fitness, and begin to build a viable organization.” This stage is very important to the political stage because it is when the public turns some candidates into front-runners and others into the “middle-of-the-pack bunch.” In this phase, candidates must have access to funds, they must gain endorsements, and they must gain positive media attention. Rubio already has access to funds from his Senatorial campaign and just like every other candidate, he will be getting media attention before long. As discussed in class, many candidates announce their running in their home state. This is a rhetoric that just about everyone follows. At the end of March, when Ted Cruz announced, he announced it at Liberty University in Virginia. Marco Rubio has reserved the Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College for his announcement. Cruz has a a steeper hill to climb due how he has been portrayed in the media. Due to where he is announcing, some may find Rubio to be more effective than Cruz. Rubio may also have the upper-hand in that he is not as well-known yet.
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