This story discusses how Rick Perry will reveal his simplified tax plan to the American people, on the campaign trail. While Perry entered the presidential race with great popularity, he has faltered of late due to poor performances in the recent republican debates. With Businessman Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s 21st Century Contract with America, Rick Perry came under pressure from his Republican counterparts to unveil some sort of economic plan for debate. With his plan, Perry wishes to implement a flat tax, and simplify the current federal tax code stating, “I want to the make the tax code so simple that even Timothy Geithner can file his taxes on time.” The flat tax idea may have come from one of Perry’s campaign advisors, businessman, and Forbes magazine editor, Steve Forbes. With this plan, Perry hopes to revamp his conservative base that may have doubted him in recent weeks. Rick Perry’s decision to release his tax plan at this point in time is an example of kairos, which suggest that there is a proper moment in time for discourse on a given subject. Whether or not Perry’s tax plan will help or hurt him is yet to be known, but by releasing it, it allows for more discourse in the debates to come.
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