In this advertisement for the 2012 presidential campaign Rick Perry bashes our current president Barack Obama repeatedly by calling him a zero. In the long drawn out commercial it constantly throws Obama under the bus by saying he has not made any changes to our nation and that our economy is still suffering terribly. The commercial also points out that Obama has not made any real contributions to creating jobs and boosting the economy for the satisfaction of our citizens. This commercial displays Barack Obama in a dark light while at the end of the commercial Rick Perry appears with much positive attention and discuss how he will do a better job at gaining jobs for our people and how he will be boosting the economy. This is an example of an attack ad because it shows Obama not utilizing his presidential position while also attempting associate positive pieces of politics with Rick Perry. This advertisement was set up to be very dramatic and somewhat longer than other ad campaigns which categorizes it as political entertainment. In some reviews for this ad, feedback said that it reminded people of a movie trailer. Political entertainment is good to catch the inattentive publics’ eye but could also distract them from what is the essential content of the ad.
Hi Dwanzo,
Speaking of which, Secession is a lot in the ideas and on the lips of nearly all Us residents presently. We all witnessed “tea parties” on April 15th across the nation as folk expressed their disgust with govt and confiscatory taxation. On that day, Texas Governor Rick Perry in actual fact made feedback in favor of Texas secession. He was extensively derided by the national media.
Rachel Anytime
Hi Dwanzo,
Thanks for the above, G’Day! Dwanzo,
In addition to your post I was wondering, my current phone, the env touch, is basically dead. i will need a new phone soon but i dont know if i should (or can) wait for the highly anticipated galaxy s2 or if i should go with the droid charge. i really want to move into my first smart phone after being stuck with this for 3 years. i could really use some advice because if i do the droid charge i will be with it for 2 years and if i want the S2 i will have to wait till Q3 maybe longer (due to living in the USA) thanks in advance.
Keep up the good work