Another amazing bgsu blog
Posts tagged Twitter
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-02
0- Have you tried a #GooglePlus Hangout with EXTRAS yet? Collaborative notes, sketch pad, Docs integration, & screen sharing! #bgsuOFT #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-25
2- Students who sign up for HuluPlus with their .edu account will get their free trial expanded to 1 month! #
- “@rkiker: Three Good Sites Where Teachers Can Learn Tech Skills #palisd” #bgsuOFT #
- @mwkraut great for K12, too “@rkiker: Twenty Everyday Ways to Model Technology Use for Students #palisd” #
- Looking for a new textbook? Help you students out by using a FREE one. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-18
242- Surprised that @screenr isn't on this list! (via @lifehacker) #
- Tool of the day: Embed an OpenTok app in your blog or wiki to hold LIVE conversations or leave video messages. #
- Big step for educator's using Facebook: new Subscribe button allows you to follow someone's public posts without… #
- Why do students choose to take courses online? Convenience. Access. Geography. #
- COBL staffer @cmkraut is tweeting from #tedxbgsu today! If you see her, say hello! #
- Virtual empathy, economic growth for Africa, happiness, magic, & urban agriculture…just a few topics @cmkraut is covering today #tedxbgsu #