Posts tagged tweets

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-19

  • Teaching an online or blended course this summer? Check out our Course Development Bootcamp | March 5-8 2012 #
  • Great article on open ebooks for education. OpenStax is getting support from a lot of major foundations and… #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-12

  • Session 2 of our Online Faculty Training Program starts today! Are you ready to learn about "Online Pedagogy?" Thought so. #bgsuOFT #
  • Curious about how an iPad can enhance your teaching? Head over to the Library and try one out! #bgsuOFT #
  • @cmkraut's at BGSU's Teaching & Learning Fair today, 9-11a, talking about using Twitter as a Personal Learning Network. Stop by and say hi! #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-29

  • Skype is great, but let's work harder to build video chat into the LMS. #
  • Great info for anyone who's ever thought about self publishing. #
  • What makes a good course "good?" Join us to learn how to apply the Quality Matters™ Rubric to your online or… #
  • I'd like to see improvements in (free) COLLABORATIVE WHITEBOARDS this year. Familiar w/ Scribblar, Dabbleboard, & Vyew. Other suggestions? #
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