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Posts by terence

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13

  • First day of Online Pedagogy training! Looking forward to meeting all of you. #bgsuOFT #
  • Lidstrom announces his return for next season and lots of Apple goodies to come later today. Is it Christmas?? #
  • Busted. The Lidstrom thing is not news, but I forgot about it, so it's news to me! #
  • My apologies to @BGSUcobl followers for disrupting the elearning world with my personal musings (by cmkraut) 🙂 #
  • Reminder: Turn in Assignment 1 in Module 3 and participate in the discussions. Your initial post is only part of your grade! #bgsuOFT #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06


Blackboard Tutorial Database


If you have questions about blackboard, please check out our Blackboard Tutorial Database. The site is a help tool for teachers to find Blackboard tutorials that will help them set up, manage, and facilitate their courses more effectively . Use the Search Engine, Categories, or Tags on the site to find tutorials on specific topics. Also, please let us know what other kinds of tutorials you would like to see included on the site.

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