1 Dec 2011

Ghost Story- Amanda of Chi Omega

Author: bwarric | Filed under: Ghost Stories

While Alice of Old Campus may be the most famous ghost on Bowling Green’s camapus, Amanda of Chi Omega house is pretty famous herself. The ghost of a former house sister, Amanda haunts the soroity house located next to the Student Union and has become a major tradition for the women who live in the house today.

The Chi Omega house where Amanda the Ghost haunts sisters to this day.

While the details of the story have changed slightly over the years, but for certain Amanda was a sister of the Greek house who had long wanted to join a soroity. One night, some say during a very intense hashing event, there was an accident involving a train moving on the tracks and the girl was tragically killed. However, it seems that Amanda wanted to join the house so badly that even after her death, she stuck around.

Today, in the house is a room with a small sign that says “Amanda’s Room.” The room is thought to have been the woman’s room while she was still alive. Items seem to always go missing or get lost in the room, especially for the sisters who live in the room.

According to the stories, Amanda still feels like part of the family and doesn’t let anyone forget it. Besides stealing and moving the occasional object, the ghost has also become a tradition for the house. Each year, the women make a composite photo of all the girls in the house that year. And each year, a small area is left empty for Amanda. One year, the class of 1987, did not follow this tradition and the photo almost routinely ends up on the floor, possibly knocked down by an invisible hand of an angry spirit who just wants to be accepted by the girls of the soroity.

102 thoughts on “Ghost Story- Amanda of Chi Omega

  1. London Milldret Says:

    Goodness, this story gave me the thrills. I had no idea such tales were going around about the place.

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