14 Nov 2011

Ghost Story- Joey of Kohl Hall

Author: bwarric | Filed under: Ghost Stories

Several of the ghosts on Bowling Green State’s campus are quite famous, including Alice of the Theaters and Amanda of the the Chi Omega. But there are other ghost in school as well. In Kohl Hall, there is the very active and mischievous ghost name Joey. Not just content with sneaking around and scaring people, Joey likes to play with the residents that live in the dormitory.

The old doorway of Kohl Hall

Lauren Downey lives in the hall and almost immediately began to deal with the ghost.

“A ghost first came to me a few weeks into the first semester,” Downey said. “It was in my room – that’s Kohl 352 – when my iPod player’s radio turned on. Someone has to both turn on the iPod player and switch it to FM. My roommate and I weren’t even close. It was Joey, the Kohl Hall ghost.” Downey said at first she didn’t like listening to the myth.

“I’m sort of a wuss when it comes to ghost stories,” Downey said. “Since everything was happening in my room, I tuned out the stories.”

The game room during the day. Spooky.

Sophomore Brittany Murphy lives in Kohl and has heard the stories quite a bit.

“It’s said that before Kohl Hall, there was a bakery here,” Murphy said. “Joey’s family owned it. He went into the bread oven and was cooked to death. They buried him in the ground. Years later, Kohl Hall was built on top of that grave.” Joey is not a mean or dangerous ghost, Murphy said.

“He was young when he died; so he just likes to play,” Murphy said. “He plays tricks and messes with radios and TVs. I think he cut my iPod player cord last year.”

Joey seems to have an affinity toward iPod players. Maybe he is just trying to keep up with the times.

The new section of Kohl Hall that was built years after the original part. Maybe Joey is just catching up on time lost

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