26 Oct 2011

Ghost Story- Alice

Author: bwarric | Filed under: Ghost Stories

On Bowling Green’s campus, there are quite a number of reported ghosts. None as famous as Alice, the ghost of a former student said to haunt the two theaters in BG’s Old Campus section. Her tale has been told in newspaper articles and told countless times between students, especially those involved in theater.

There are several variations to the story, but the basics remain the same: Alice was a theater student at BG back in the 1920’s and she was in love with the theater. However while she was attending school, her life came to a tragic end. Some say she died in a car accident and others say it was a stage accident in the old theater itself. Whatever actually happened, Alice died but her love for the theater kept her around.

University Hall in Old Campus, where Alice continues to haunt the old theaters inside.

Today, the legend of Alice continues. She is said to cause pranks and accidents to shows if the actors are not doing well or if the actors are disrespectul. This has led to a tradition that every person in the theater department follows, the invitation. Before every show, the director or manager must step up on stage alone and personally invite Alice to watch the show. If this tradition is not carried out, then bad things are destined to happen during the show’s performance.

The Grand staircase in Old Campus that leads right to the entrance of the Eva Maria St. Theater.

For more information, check back on Monday to read about my investigation of the two theaters and the people who have dealt with Alice before.

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