12 Oct 2011

Welcome to BG. Mind the Ghosts.

Author: bwarric | Filed under: Intro

College campuses are amazing places. There are so many different people coming and going that sometimes it is easy to lose yourself. And sometimes, it seems people lose themselves here for a lot longer than just four years. Ask Alice, the ghost who haunts the two theaters of Bowling Green State University Or Amanda the ghost of a former Sister who wonders around the Chi Omega Soroity House to this day. Or the ghost of the unknown Professor who protects women in BG’s Old Campus at night from teasing men.

There are more ghosts, haunts and urban legends around Bowling Green, Ohio than most people whould think. and as a result, most people just drive by on I-75, missing the history and stories of the area. This blog will follow and collect those stories, and the stories of people who have seen these mysteries first-hand.

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