Archive for July, 2008

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Hulu)

[Best. Musical. Ever. Neil Patrick Harris stars. Written by Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, Joss Whedon, and Zack Whedon. Available free until November. BK]

category: Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Exercise: it’s an hour a day, people. Seriously. (LA Times)

A recent study found that overweight and obese women needed to exercise about an hour a day, five days a week to sustain weight loss. The findings bolster what some health experts — and those who have lost weight and kept it off — have been saying for years: copious amounts of exercise and adherence […]

category: Health, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Scrabble-Scrabulous standoff spells L-A-W-S-U-I-T (ZD Net)

Though the application has been available since 2006, Hasbro began its crusade to have Scrabulous removed from Facebook earlier this year. The reason for the gamemaker’s sudden ire toward the application, which draws more than 500,000 daily average users, can be attributed to the launch of the official Scrabble online game through EA’s and […]

category: Gaming, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics    

GLS – Beyond Games and the Future of Learning (Brainy Gamer)

Gee clearly situates video games within an overall theory of learning and literacy with genuine power to transform students and equip them to address complex problems. If passion communities could be formed to solve real-world problems like hunger and environmental degradation, Gee believes we would be much better equipped to face these issues head-on. The […]

category: Gaming, Pedagogy, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Technology    

I’m a Mac, You’re a Bad OS (bMighty)

Microsoft is finally admitting that those “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” ads have had some impact on Vista’s reputation and performance in the market. The software giant is planning to respond with a huge advertising campaign of its own — which will not involve admitting that Vista is a bad OS. –Naomi Grossman [I […]

category: Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Technology, Television