Casino Royale (Sony Pictures)

[Sweetness! Casino Royale is released today. I am a huge Bond fan and I attended opening night for each movie since Tomorrow Never Dies. Here is my list of Bond actors from best to worst: Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Sean Connery, George Lazenby. We will see how Daniel Craig fits after I see this new Bond movie later tonight. BK]

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5 thoughts on “Casino Royale (Sony Pictures)

  1.    Bobby Kuechenmeister on November 17th, 2006

    What an amazing movie restarting the Bond lore and successfully explaining everything about 007 (except for his selection of a Walther as a gun), but that is something learned from Dr. No!

    Daniel Craig is truly an actor because I believed his portrayal of James Bond, despite reports about Craig disliking guns and not being able to drive a stick shift, which he learned for the role. Craig’s performance added much more humor into the role of James Bond without taking anything away from critical scenes driving the plot.

    Pierce Brosnan remains my favorite Bond, but Craig is a close second and that says a lot given that I grew up during the Roger Moore era.

  2.    ted on November 29th, 2006

    I can’t believe you placed Sean Connery so far down the list. I do agree with your Pierce Brosnan appraisal. Some never got over his Remington Steele role, but since I never watched the show, it didn’t really bother me.

  3.    Bobby Kuechenmeister on November 29th, 2006

    Connery’s Bond seems like a brawling playboy in my mind, but I do love From Russia with Love and the scene in Dr. No when Bond is given his first Walther in exchange for a Beretta.

    Dalton nailed Bond’s cool and almost heartless charisma, despite only playing Bond in The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill. Dalton is also a method actor who actually consulted Ian Fleming before Fleming’s death about his character.

    I only seen a few episodes of Remington Steele, but I gather that Brosnan’s role then is a less suave Bond without gadgets, guns, or cars like an Aston Martin or a BMW.

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